Season 1
13. The Circular Reasoning Fallacy
Here's why it just makes you dizzy when you run into circular reasoning.
Want to test yourself on how well you can recognize fallacies in real life? Take the Meme Fallacy...
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14. The Fallacy of Equivocation
Equivocation can be fun, but it can also be dangerous...here's why.
Want to test yourself on how well you can recognize fallacies in real life? Take the Meme Fallacy Quiz! www.filteritthroughabraincell.com/quiz
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15. The Loaded Question Fallacy
With a loaded question, there's more being asked than it seems on the surface.
Want to test yourself on how well you can recognize fallacies in real life? Take the Meme Fallacy...
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16. 5 Essentials to having a GOOD conversation
In episode 14, I briefly mentioned something about having a GOOD conversation with others...even those who share a different viewpoint than you. But I felt like I left you hanging a little bit on HOW to go about doing...
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17. The Tu Quoque Fallacy
Today we'll be talking about the Tu Quoque fallacy, or what I like to call the "three fingers pointing back at you" fallacy.
Want to test yourself on how well you can recognize fallacies in real life? Take the Meme...
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18. The Genetic Fallacy
Learn about the 'origin story' that's behind the Genetic Fallacy.
Want to test yourself on how well you can recognize fallacies in real life? Take the Meme Fallacy Quiz! www.filteritthroughabraincell.com/quiz
Send me...
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19. The Bandwagon Fallacy
Learn the fascinating origin of the term "jumping on the bandwagon" and also the sometimes devastating way we're seeing this fallacy play out in society now.
When you can recognize the foolishness, you won't get...
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20. The Appeal to Authority Fallacy
Today starts a new mini-series on a type of fallacy called Appeals. First up, is an Appeal to Authority, and how to recognize a legitimate appeal to authority and a faulty appeal to authority.
When you can recognize...
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21. The Appeal to Nature Fallacy
Ever heard the term "green-washing" before? It's when advertisers try to make something seem more desirable by making it seem more 'natural'. That's an Appeal to Nature & I'll tell you how to recognize &...
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22. Let's talk propaganda
We're in a mini-series about emotional appeals, and a lot of the emotional appeals are forms of propaganda. What's propaganda? Would you recognize it if you saw it? Let's talk about it!
When you can recognize the...
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23. The Appeal to Emotion Fallacy
Let's continue to conversation on propaganda by talking about one of the main ways propaganda happens: through an Appeal to Emotions.
Want to test yourself on how well you can recognize fallacies in real life? Take...
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24. The Appeal to Pity Fallacy
As we continue our mini-series on emotional appeals, let's talk about the Appeal to Pity & how to recognize it.
When you can recognize the foolishness, you won't get fooled by it!
Want to test yourself on how well...
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